Packaging Technician Career Guide: Skills, Qualifications, and Opportunities in the Brewing Industry

As a brewery packaging technician, I have the privilege of working in one of the most exciting industries in the world. The beer industry is booming, with new breweries popping up all over the world. And as the demand for craft beer increases, so does the need for skilled and qualified packaging technicians. In this article, I will provide a comprehensive guide to the brewery packaging technician career, including job description, qualifications, skills, opportunities, and job search tips.

Introduction to Brewery Packaging Technician

A brewery packaging technician is responsible for ensuring that beer is packaged properly and safely for distribution to consumers. This involves operating and maintaining packaging equipment, monitoring the quality of the beer, and troubleshooting any issues that may arise during the packaging process. Brewery packaging technicians work in a fast-paced environment and must be able to work well under pressure.

What does a Brewery Packaging Technician do?

The primary responsibility of a brewery packaging technician is to package beer. This involves operating and maintaining packaging equipment such as canning lines, bottling lines, and kegging lines. Brewery packaging technicians must also monitor the quality of the beer during the packaging process, ensuring that the beer meets the brewery's standards for taste, aroma, and appearance.

In addition to packaging beer, brewery packaging technicians are responsible for cleaning and sanitizing packaging equipment and ensuring that the packaging area is clean and organized. They must also keep detailed records of the packaging process, including the number of cans, bottles, or kegs produced, and any issues that arise during the process.

Image Source: Full Metal Canning

Job description for Brewery Packaging Technician

The job description for a brewery packaging technician can vary depending on the brewery. However, some common responsibilities include:

  • Operating and maintaining packaging equipment
  • Monitoring the quality of the beer during the packaging process
  • Troubleshooting any issues that may arise during the packaging process
  • Cleaning and sanitizing packaging equipment
  • Keeping detailed records of the packaging process

Qualifications and Skills required for Brewery Packaging Technician

To become a brewery packaging technician, you will need a high school diploma or equivalent. Some breweries may also require a degree in brewing science or a related field. However, most breweries will provide on-the-job training for brewery packaging technicians.

In addition to education, brewery packaging technicians must have strong technical skills, including the ability to operate and maintain packaging equipment. They must also have excellent attention to detail and be able to monitor the quality of the beer during the packaging process. Strong communication skills are also important, as brewery packaging technicians must work closely with other members of the brewery team.

Opportunities in Brewery Packaging Technician Career

The beer industry is growing rapidly, with new breweries opening every day. This means that there are plenty of opportunities for brewery packaging technicians. Some breweries may also offer opportunities for advancement, such as supervisory or management roles.

In addition to working for breweries, brewery packaging technicians may also work for canning or bottling companies that provide packaging services for breweries. There are also opportunities to work for equipment manufacturers or distributors, providing technical support for packaging equipment.

How much does a Brewery Packaging Technician make?

The salary for a brewery packaging technician can vary depending on the brewery and location. According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a brewery packaging technician in the United States is $33,000-$49,000 per year. However, salaries can range from $25,000 to $60,000 per year depending on experience and location.

Top Companies hiring Brewery Packaging Technicians

Some of the top companies hiring brewery packaging technicians include:

How to become a Brewery Packaging Technician?

To become a brewery packaging technician, you will need a high school diploma or equivalent. Some breweries may also require a degree in brewing science or a related field. However, most breweries will provide on-the-job training for brewery packaging technicians.

To gain experience in the beer industry, consider working part-time or as an intern at a brewery. This will give you hands-on experience and help you build a network of contacts in the industry.

Image Source: Full Metal Canning

Brewery Packaging Technician Job Search Tips

When searching for a job as a brewery packaging technician, consider the following tips:

  • Research breweries in your area and reach out to them directly to inquire about job openings.
  • Attend beer festivals and industry events to meet people in the industry and learn about potential job opportunities.
  • Consider working part-time or as an intern at a brewery to gain experience and build your network.
  • Use job search websites such as Beerwork, Indeed, Glassdoor, or LinkedIn to search for job openings.


Working as a brewery packaging technician is a rewarding career in a growing industry. To become a brewery packaging technician, you will need a high school diploma or equivalent and strong technical skills. There are plenty of opportunities for brewery packaging technicians in breweries, canning or bottling companies, and equipment manufacturers or distributors. When searching for a job, consider reaching out to breweries directly, attending industry events, and gaining experience through part-time work or internships.